Do you need a higher level of life cover?

Is it time to review your life insurance policy? We understand that it might not be easy to revisit this area, but just because you purchased cover once, it doesn’t mean you no longer have to think about it.


Life insurance is calculated depending on each person’s circumstances and how much protection their surviving loved ones would need in the event of their death. As things inevitably change, it is therefore vital to check your policy is still relevant for you and your family. There are, for example, particular life events that mean you might need more cover.


Buying a home

Have you moved house or bought a new property? If the size of your mortgage has increased, it’s important to make sure that those living with you will be able to keep up repayments if you’re no longer around.


A major milestone

Does a recent life event mean that more people are now dependent on you and your income? Have you had a child, got married, or started caring for a relative? These situations would all require a higher level of cover to ensure that your loved ones are protected in the event of your death.


Here to help

We can review your life insurance to ensure it is appropriate for your current circumstances.


As with all insurance policies, conditions and exclusions will apply.

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